2014 Processing Schedule
Preston Valley Grove will open for processing from 7th April ’14 initially 5 days/week until May then 7 days/week until 30 June then 5 days / week until the end of the season.
Remember to consult you processor on fruit quality and harvesting schedule so the fruit does not sit around for longer than necessary between harvest and processing.
For a comprehensive service description please click here.
New Services
Grove Pruning
Preston Valley Grove can assist with olive tree pruning of your grove.
Rates are $45/h plus travel @ $1.10/km.
We have the necessary pruning gear including; electronic pruners, small chainsaw and ladder.
Tree Spraying
Preston Valley Grove can assist with olive tree spraying; white oil, folia sprays and limited insecticides/roundup.
Rates are $80/h plus travel @ $2.20/km for tractor spraying and $60/h plus travel @ $1.10/km for quad-bike [excludes chemicals].
For enquiries please fill out our contact form.
2014 Harvesting Schedule
The SICMA Speedy Harvester will be available for harvesting from 31st March 2014.
Early bookings are recommended.
For a comprehensive service description please click here.